Okay, maybe that last bit flew over your head, or maybe you bought one of those newfangled gray systems. Perhaps you spent the '90s in a bomb shelter... Well if you'd rather watch the movie than read the book, you're in luck! Through the wonders of YouTube I've compiled for you this little "crash course" in all things Sega Saturn! Will Lu from TheGameStation covers the hardware and history in a quick overview, while Gamespot and G4 follow up with the tragic but true story of how Sega shot themselves in the proverbial foot. I've also included the original VHS promo video (and believe me, it's weird).
1. Will Lu covers the hardware & history
2. Gamespot on Saturn's troubled history
3. SilverMongoose provides insights & info
4. Video Games with James with another Saturn history
5. GameSack looks at the games
6. E3 1996 Sega Saturn "Sizzle Reel"
7. Original 1995 Saturn Promotional Video
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